Hello my friends,
I was reminded this week that what you see from the outside doesn’t show what’s happening on the inside.
More on that below ↓
The pitch removal system at the new Real Madrid stadium is incredible. Although it added $300m to the total cost it will increase the number of events the stadium can host without the possibility of ruining the pitch.
Dieter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design have influenced countless generations of designers. As moving from a linear to a circular economy becomes increasingly urgent, Diez Office lays out an updated manifesto for good design.
After spending the last 2.5 years in sweatpants, transitioning back to jeans hasn’t been easy. Unspun is using 3D body scanning to create custom jeans that fit better, provide size inclusivity and may actually be comfortable.
"Research shows that maternal bias is the strongest kind of gender bias". In honor of Women’s Equality Day, WeWork announced a partnership with Laddrr, a resource hub for mothers, with the goal of helping them return to the workforce through hybrid work and flexible workspace.
Never doubt what you can build with the leverage of the internet ↓

When operation and creation collide. Apple’s culture of innovation is revered in the design and engineering industry. However, what you see from the outside is often not what is happening behind the scenes.
What do training for a marathon and investing have in common? The ultimate performance is a result of the pace you can sustain over a long period of time.
As a creative, it’s your job to solve problems, make decisions and communicate effectively. These mental models provide systems to tackle even the most difficult of challenges.
Harry S. Truman said, “Not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers.” Learn to read again ↓
Out of Office
I’m a supporter of creatives getting paid for their work however while doing desktop research I come across a lot of needless and frustrating paywalls.
12ft Ladder provides the cached copy of the website sans paywall.
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