Hello my friends,
“You cannot overtake 15 cars in sunny weather... but you can when it’s raining.”
— Ayrton Senna
Whether you were racing in Monaco yesterday or you’re building the next big thing it’s a solid mental model.
Top of mind this week:
Biodegradable protection
Trust killers and self-leadership
Clear thinking for effective communication
Let's get into it ↓
“Wherever you look in the world of football, there’s a design behind it.” How architects, designers and fans create the look and feel of the “beautiful game”.
Mycelium is a fungus that performs like foam and, being 100% compostable, is a promising alternative to plastic. A helmet that continues to grow as you wear it.
In May last year, a consumer shot a short video of themselves ‘testing’ a recently purchased Arc’teryx jacket in the shower. It went viral and, accelerated by the ‘gorpcore’ movement, the trend has racked up over 111m views.
7 management trust killers and how to avoid them. Anti-leadership traits that can help you spot apparently good, but really bad managers.
Building off last week’s note on the importance of patience in leadership how we lead ourselves is a revealing marker of how we manage others. 4 steps for self leadership.
Compared to Wendy Rhoades from Billions, Dr. Julie Gurner works with highly successful people. Here are the personality traits she most frequently sees.
The Minto Pyramid Principle will help you capture your audience’s attention, lead them to the argument, and close with logic. Clear thinking produces effective communication ↓
Avoiding distraction is the key to deep, focused work. Technology has enabled collaboration that would have never been possible previously — however, always being connected comes at a cost.
I was introduced to this cheat code when I enrolled in Sam Parr’s CopyThat writing course. The idea that you can build tacit knowledge by copying experts.
Out of Office
No Blender or After Effects here.
Just some matches and stop motion.
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Weekly subscribers: 257 (+3) ⬆️
Open rate: 54% ➡️