Hello my friends,
To all the mothers, Happy Mother’s Day.
Last week’s opening note seemed to really resonate. Thanks to those of you who dropped me a message saying that it provided some peace of mind.
This week my message is short and sweet:
Put away the devices and go spend some time with family today. The internet (and this newsletter) will be there tomorrow.
Last Week's Numbers
Weekly subscribers: +4 (99 —> 103)
Open rate: 56%
Twitter followers: +1 (22)
If you find these notes useful please share them with your cohort using this button ↓
Whatever you thought of Elon hosting SNL last night his contribution to the world doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
Gravity Industries is fulfilling every kid’s dream. Founder Richard Browning shares his inspiration here.
Subscription services are everywhere but not necessarily appropriate for everything. SaaS = Safety as a Service?
Managing talent in the ‘Networked Age/YOLO Economy’ should be your top priority. Reid Hoffmann’s (co-founder of LinkedIn) book “The Alliance” is a great guide — if you don't have the time for the whole book, read the opening few paragraphs, I’m sure it will resonate.
Work From Home has opened the possibility to design your lifestyle around work. Will the 40h work week survive?
A fantastic framework to follow for any role within your company, this memo from Ben Horowitz outlines the definition of a good product manager.
A reminder that productivity hacks are only for work-related tasks. Make time to slow down and smell the roses.
Don’t read all the books, read the best 100 over and over again. A note on reading for understanding, not vanity.
A great thread on the obviousness of innovation. “The Kardashian Problem” as described in the first comment.
Out of Office
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