Hello my friends,
In life and work there are two great equalizers:
Focus is the ability to do deep work.
Momentum is the outcome of consistent deep work.
This virtuous cycle requires you to wean yourself off constant feed-refreshing, dopamine consumption, and shift from a consumer to creator mindset.
Break the habit and the results are asymmetrically leveraged:
Consuming = 10x easier than creating.
Creating = 100x dopamine hit.
If you have time to consume you have time to create. Just change the conditions accordingly.
Start by logging out of your social accounts for a week and you’ll see what I mean.
Let’s get into it,
Last Week’s Numbers
Weekly subscribers: 91
Open rate: 47%
Twitter followers: 18
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Ecovative uses mycelium, the root structure of mushrooms, growing materials to replace plastics and reduce animal slaughter.
Great artists don’t steal, they remix. Built around the central tenant “Copy Transform Combine” this short film explores the notion that all successful creators transform existing ideas into something new.
“Distinctive isn’t easy. But it’s worth it.” A reminder to make sure your work stands out.
Female representation in the boardroom is rising but the rate of increase is slowing. This outstanding visual overview shows the 10-year trend and projects three scenarios towards parity.
This Jeffrey Katzenberg memo to Disney employees is an outstanding lesson in addressing reality and setting a bold vision.
Quantic School is plotting the MBA of the future. Classes are delivered to your smartphone and they’re free — if you can get in.
Future Timeline allows you to look back at significant events and forecast what may come. A great resource for innovation projects.
Type the name of the topic you want to learn about into the search bar and this excellent tool will provide the top assets on the subject.
Statistics isn’t the most exciting nor accessible subject. These visualizations are trying to change that.
Out of Office
I was introduced to Naval Ravikant’s work around 2016 by a close friend and it revolutionized my outlook on life, wealth and work
His philosophies were scattered across the web until Eric Jorgenson cold tweeted him with the idea to compile the ‘Navalmanack’.